The Christmas Issue
Christmas editorial - It takes the little things
It is the little things.
The little things that tip us over the edge. The little things that niggle into a full-blown rage. The weight of the little things that tips the balance. Death by a thousand little cuts.
It is the little things that we laugh about together, the little things that lift us up.
It is the little things that help us tackle the step-by-step that is grim reality with hope.
At times it takes courage to step forward and make that smallest of gestures. To reach out a helping hand, to share a warm, welcoming smile.
It is all this which build our community.
And it is the many little things we each give with willing hearts that builds a caring and strong community.
Last month, we acknowledged and recognised particular acts of selfless and unbelievable bravery during the Ohau Wildfire. They were from all walks of life.
Those awarded would probably tell you they didn’t consciously set out to do a brave thing.
There were no spare moments to think it through.
It was spontaneous.
Theirs were acts of “self-forgetfulness”.
Some might say it was ...
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Inside The Christmas Issue
Christmas editorial - It takes the little things.
They have been so very good, Santa!
From our 2024 album
The Noticeboard
The Community Reports
Christmas and New Year greetings, holiday hours and events
Thank you to you all
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